What is Science- Definition, Types, Importance & Purpose

Science, What is Science, Types of Science, Importance of Science, Definition of Science, Purpose of Science

What is Science? Definition of Science? When a man is born, he does not know anything about the world. Slowly when a man starts growing up he also starts getting information about the world. But when the man is very small then at that time it does not have any understanding of the world. There were a time when people had a very little information about science. But with time, people kept getting information about whatever things are in this world and people started getting information about new things in the world.

What is Science?

Science is a branch in which scientific study is done. The word science is derived from the Latin word “Scientia”, which means to know, i.e. to acquire knowledge. In today’s time we use many such things which are the gift of science. The history of science is the study of the development of Science and scientific knowledge. It includes both the natural science and social sciences and science as a body of empirical and theoretical and applied knowledge of the natural world that has been produced by scientist.

In today’s time most of the things are possible only through science. Scientist have contributed a lot to take the science so far and today science has gone so far that it has made it possible for men to reach moon from earth.

Who invented Science?

In 19th century the English word scientist was first used by William Baghel. The term scientific was used for the first time in 1883. Before this people who discovered the nature called natural philosopher. The scientific method was used in the middle ages by Irn Halheim and Roger Bacon. Historians of science traditionally defined Science as sufficient to develop the scientific revolution in Europe in the 16th and 17 centuries. From 18th century to the 20th century, the history of science especially the physical and biological sciences was presented in a progressive form.


Thomas Ko portrayed the history of science in different terms in which science includes physical, cultural, economic and political subjects. It was established during the 16th and 17th centuries as a source for the development of knowledge of the scientific revolution.

Types of Science

There are following types of science-  such as Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Geology, Astronomy, Space Science etc. 

Branches of Science

1. Physics

Physics is the branch of science in which matter, energy and its interaction are studied. It is divided into 8 parts of activities- mechanics, sound, heat, light, electricity, magnetic, modern, nuclear physics and electronics etc. 

2. Chemistry

Chemistry is that branch of science in which the structure, organisation, properties of substances and the changes that occur in them during chemical reactions are studied. It is a physical science in which the energy released or used during the molecules, atoms, crystals and chemical substances. There are many branches of chemistry like organic, inorganic, chemistry, biochemistry, industrial chemistry and analytical chemistry etc. The major source of chemistry are Medicinal Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Agriculture Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Green Chemistry.

3. Biology

The word Biology is derived from a Greek word- ‘bios’ meaning ‘life’ and ‘logos’ meaning ‘study’ and is defined as the science of life and organisms. An organism is a living entity consisting of a single cell, for example bacteria or for example many cells of animals. plants and fungi. The things which are produced as a result of particular artificial process are called bio.

Advantages of Science

It is a kind of miracle. Devices like electric power, lighting devices, fans, coolers, TVs, fridges, ACs have been created by science and gadgets like mobile, internet have also been created by science. Humans life has become very easy due to the invention of scientific things and new discoveries are still being made. Because of science, agriculture development, increasing the yields by discovering new things like new seeds, manures, fertilizers, pesticides, tractors, and tube well are being provided.

1. Medicine

Today, the treatment of major disease in the world has become possible, this is the biggest means of science.

2. Medical Instrument

Many types of medical instruments are being used in the medical field, which have been made on the basis of the study of science.

3. Computer

Computer is the biggest revolution in the world today, which is working as a book for the development of the world, for the development of human life.

4. Airplane

There was a time when there was no your facility to go anywhere, but due to science traveling by air has become quite accessible.

5. Train

Today in the world railway is a very big means of travelling, which has become possible only because of the study of science.

6. Social Site

In the present times, technology has advanced so much that now people sitting at home able to talk to their friends through video calls or share their photos or messages by connecting with each other through social media. It is also a great contribution of science.

Disadvantages of Science

Science has made many things easier in our lives but its side effects can be seen on the human body in the form of cancer, skin disease etc. In the era of science with the facility of TV, Internet, mobile etc, it has a wrong effect on human mentality due to which many diseases are spreading, but there is no cure. Even if there is any treatment, it is very expensive.

1. Misuse of Science

Science is a medium of research through which different types of studies are done, science is also being used by people for wrong kinds of works, due to which many types of weapons are being made in the world today, due to which the whole world is in danger.

2. Narcotics

Some such substances are also being prepared by science after various studies which are very harmful for humans. Today, all the people of the world are connected on social media due to the development of history technology in the general public, through which people are promoting discrimination and violence towards human beings in the society by spreading wrong rumours through social media.

3. Family Stress

Due to most of the use of social media and technology, people no longer consider it appropriate to sit with their family as there is a lack of harmony in the family, due to spending that time in social media and other activities. 

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