What is Resume- Definition, Types & Importance

Resume, What is Resume, How to make Resume, Why Resume is Important, How many types of Resume are there, Use of Resume, What is difference between Resume and CV

To get a job, we need Resume or Curriculum Vitae, whether we are Freshers or Experience Professional. Be it any kind of job weather it is Academy or non-academic or private company job or multinational companies job, we need Resume or Curriculum Vitae. Just say that Resume and CV are needed to get a job everywhere. When a vacancy opens in any company the first stage of the selection of candidates is Resume. For the post for which the vacancy has open, the candidates are asked for their resume and on the basis of their resume, the company recruiters decide whether to hire that candidate or not.

Most of the candidates consider resume and CV to be the same whereas both of them are different. There are many candidates who send only one resume or CV for every job position in every company, due to which there resume is not read and their chances of getting a job are reduced. The purpose of both resume and CV is the same but they are quite different. Through this article we will tell you what is Resume.

What is Resume?

It is required to apply for a job in any company. Resume is a document that contains information about your Education, Skills, Work Experience, Achievements. to apply in any company, it has to be sent to the HR manager of that company. In this, information about your education, qualification, work experience, achievements is given. It is not very big.

This should be made of one or two pages. In resume, information should be given about those things which are necessary for the job position. In this, every information is given in short. Resume can be changed according to job profile. This is a snapshot of professional profile of the candidate. It is a ladder to reach interview, on the basis of which candidates are shortlisted for interview.



According to a study, recruiters of any company give an average of 6 seconds to read the resume of any candidate. They decide within 6 seconds whether to shortlist that resume for interview or not. That is why it is said that resume should always be made short. It should not be made more than one or two pages. This should be such that recruiters get impressed on seeing it and shortlist you for interview, most people do not know how to make a good resume.

Making it is an art. According to job eligibility, if you have all the qualities and qualification to apply for that job, but your resume is not good, then all your qualifications are of no use. If your resume is not good then recruited will not select you for interview without reading. We can also call it as sale letter or advertisement which effectively present our qualifications and qualities in front of the interviewer.

What are the types of Resume?

It is of four types-

1. Functional Resume
2. Targeted Resume
3. Chronological Resume
4. Combination Resume

What is the reason to make Resume?

When vacancy comes in any company, then the company takes out advertisement for job profile, role, responsibility, eligibility, qualification for that vacancy, then the HR manager of that company ask for resume from the candidate before the interview. HR manager shortlist the candidate for that job profile only on the basis of resume. He sees whether that candidates has the qualification, efficiency, experience that is necessary for that job position.

All this information is known to HR manager only from resume. On the basis of this, HR manager calls the candidate for interview. If any candidates goes to give an interview in any company without knowing the vacancy and after going there he comes to know that the vacancy is not according to his qualification then he waste the time of both the company and himself. Shortlisting candidates on the basis of resume has the advantage of both candidates and recruiters and save time for both.

Why Resume is Important?

It is a tool that effectively presents your experience, efficiency, qualification, achievements in front of your prospective employer. But some people believe that resume the document to call for interview, while it introduces you in front of recruitter impress them and presence snapshot of your career in front of them. It is the most important document for any new job, new opportunity. With the help of this, the recruiter selected the right candidate among thousands of people. The first step to enter any organization is in resume. it brings candidates and recruiter face to face.

Difference between Resume and CV

Base Resume CV
Length One to two pages Mainly more than two pages
Centre Focused on Professional Skill Career focused
Contact Details Mainly Phone Number and Email Id Multiple means of contact
Work Experience Job related Details of almost all work experience
Events Multiple ways of reporting All information in chronological order
Skills Mainly for IT sector jobs For the post of Academic Department and Manager


Tips for making Resume

1. It should be short, simple and effective.
2. Eligibility, qualifications, work experience, skills and keywords should be related to the job profile for which resume is to be sent.
3. It should be customized according to company and job profile.
4. Grammatical mistakes and spelling error should not happen.
5. Resume should not be more than two pages.
6. Every information given in it should be absolutely true.
7. It should never contain any personal details like religion, age, marital status, birthday, sex, father name etc.
8. Include awards, honours, publications, presentations, experience assistant-ship grants or the experience and information that is needed in the job.

What information should be in Resume?

1. Contact Details
2. Career Objective
3. Work Experience
4. Educational Qualification
5. Skill & Strength
6. Additional Courses

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